
『路由藝術』成立於2014年夏天,這個別具後現代之名取自科技通訊一詞”路由器”, 『路由藝術』自許能有如同路由器的功能一般,”集結資訊,分享訊息”。這個藝廊呈現從歐洲到北美、從東北亞到東南亞當代藝術家其所最精粹的作品。透過在『路由藝術』的展演,提供台灣喜好當代藝術的朋友另一個觀展的優質空間。



Nunu Fine Art was established in the summer of 2014. Its Mandarin name adapted from the IT equipment “router” representing the gallerys’vision to act as a platform for converging and sharing information, just as the device does, gathering the cream of essence of European, North American and South East Asian contemporary art, and providing a brand new sphere for Taiwanese contemporary art lovers. 

Nunu Fine Art not only represents internationally recognized artists long endorsed by museums such as the MET, MoMA, le Centre Pompidou, Tate London, but also midcareer artists from Taiwan, South East and North East Asia. Most importantly, we look up to historic art patrons and how they have discovered and nurtured generation after generation of brilliant new artists. 

Please come and visit us in our quiet alleyway just off Jinshan South Road and Renai Road. 

